The 2018 UK Greenhouse Gas Emissions report showed that the transport sector in 2018 was responsible 33% of all CO2 emissions. The report did state that emissions had fallen by 9% since the 2007 peak, despite continued growth in the sector. Driven partly by the continued advancement of environment regulation, such as the EUR emission standards which commercial vehicles follow which is currently on EUR6 standard. It is expected in order for vehicles to comply with the EUR7 standard vehicle suppliers will need to have a hybrid or alternative clean engine. The EUR7 standard is to be introduced in the next few years
Distribution firms are actively purchasing zero emissions vehicles already for the last mile deliveries. The use of routings software is now common place to ensure the most efficient route is used when a vehicle is doing multiple deliveries and collections. As battery technology improves and falls in price within the next few years heavy goods vehicles will move over from being diesel to electric powered.